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Sarbanes-Oxley News & Developments


Ready or Not, XBRL is Coming

The SEC and FASB are gearing up for XBRL, suggesting it is only a matter of time before its use becomes mandatory.


Q&A: Harvey Pitt on 404

Former SEC Chair Harvey Pitt comments on how to make SOX 404 work for smaller companies without exempting them.


Two Studies Give 404 Its Due

Only six companies out of 300 large year-end filers reported ineffective controls in their second year of compliance with the contentious provision of Sarbanes-Oxley


Cox: "My Goal Is to Make 404 Work"

Sarbanes-Oxley can be made to work for smaller companies, and U.S. capital markets need not fear competition from less-regulated countries, SEC Chairman Christopher Cox told Congress Tuesday.


Kumar Pleads Guilty in CA Fraud

Sanjay Kumar, former CEO of Computer Associates, pleads guilty to orchestrating a $2.2 billion accounting fraud.


Uncle Sam Seeks Accounting Break

The Treasury Department, responsible for compiling the consolidated financial statements of the government, is hoping to amend GAAP to make it a little easier to pass an audit.


PCAOB Censures California Auditor

Accounting regulator says Reuben E. Price & Co. failed to act after a client falsely claimed its annual report had been audited by Price.


What Enron Analysts Knew, and When

Prosecutor Sean Berkowitz and former Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling were at odds Monday afternoon over what analysts knew about the financial health of the company, and when they knew it.


Conspiracy against 404 Exemptions?

A member of the small business committee of the SEC charges that a former SEC official is orchestrating public opposition to 404 exemptions.


Auditors, Clients Square Off over 404 Exemption

Public companies, accounting firms fired their parting shots to the small-business committee of the SEC; professional investors were conspicuously silent.


Is SOX Driving Small Companies Overseas?

The SEC committee on smaller businesses are keeping one eye on IPO activity abroad as it finalized its suggestions for tweaking Section 404.


Why Leave 404 to Your Auditors?

At an SEC committee meeting on small businesses, one member suggests companies ought to be able to put the attestation of their internal controls out to bid.


Sunterra Whistle-blower Timing Disputed

Grant Thornton, dismissed in March as the auditor for the company, maintains that for several months, it had no knowledge of an E-mail alleging accounting irregularities.


CFO Whistle-blower Still in Limbo

Sarbanes-Oxley 'is certainly not working in terms of reinstatement,' says the attorney for a onetime finance chief who refused to certify financial statements for his company.


A Final Cry for Relief

One CFO says section 404 of Sarbanes-Oxley put a stressed out employee in the hospital. A teleconference Wednesday marks the last chance for small companies to air such complaints.


Skilling on Sarbox: 'We Had It Before'

Former Enron CEO maintains that when it came to accounting controls, the energy giant was 'significantly ahead' of the pack.


Small Companies Pay for Accounting Errors

Two restatements supply fodder for the case against providing Sarbox 404 regulatory breaks for diminuitive companies.


Audit Fees Drop, for Some

The sophomore jinx was lifted for some big companies as 25 of them reported lower audit fees in their second-year of Sarbox compliance. Other companies are still on an upward trajectory.


Small-business 404 Waiver Unlikely: Cox

'Our emphasis is on making 404 work and implementing it in a cost-effective and investor-protected way,' says the SEC chairman.


Coming Clean about Bribery

Because of their need to comply with Sarbox internal-controls rules, companies are spotting and reporting more violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

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Can IT live up to the expectations for governance, compliance, and revenue generation of a CFO?

Capital Markets Report Urges 404 Fixes
A panel says changes in the way Sarbanes-Oxley has been applied will improve the competitiveness of the U.S. capital markets.

Wal-Mart Whistleblower Drops Lawsuit
Former executive still has a whistleblower case pending before the Labor Department.

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