Sarbanes-Oxley News & Developments
2006-05-26 | Lay, Skilling GuiltyA Houston jury Thursday found former Enron executives Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling guilty of multiple counts of securities fraud, conspiracy, and other charges.
2006-05-20 | Snow: SEC Should Decide on 404Asked about legislation that would roll back portions of the controversial provision and exempt many companies from its requirements, the Treasury Secretary looks instead to controlling its costs.
2006-05-18 | SEC Takes a Stand on 404The SEC has said that "ultimately all public companies will be required to comply with the internal control reporting requirements of Section 404."
2006-05-04 | The Second Time AroundReported declines in compliance costs are likely to temper conflicts between companies and their auditors at the roundtable this year on Sarbox 404.
2006-05-04 | PCAOB: Auditor Judgment Under ScrutinyResponding to corporate complaints, the PCAOB says inspections of audit firms this year will examine whether audits were cost-effective and properly focused on controls that posed the greatest risks.