Sarbanes-Oxley News & Developments
Judge Sets Separate Trail Dates For Ex-Enron OfficialsFormer Enron CFO Andrew Fastow will stand trail next April on nearly 100 criminal charges.
> > Fastow is charged with engineering financial deals that made millions for himself while allowing Enron to bury billions in debt from investors. Co-defendents Dan Boyle and Ben Glisan, who face fewer charges, are to go to trial later in 2004. All three have pleaded not guilty and are free on bond.
Glisan, according to published reports, is negotiating a plea bargin with prosecutors that may avert his trial on two dozen fraud, money laundering and conspiracy charges, slated for July 20, 2004. The former Enron treasurer would testify against Fastow, his former boss.
Boyle, a former finance executive charged for his role in a scheme to hide losing investment in electricity barges moored off the coast of Nigeria, is slated for trial on August 17, 2004.
Former Enron assistant treasurer Lea Fastow, wife of Andrew Fastow, faces trial on Feb. 10, 2004 on six counts of filing false income tax returns and conspiracy stemming from financial schemes of her husband. Source: CNN Money