Sarbanes-Oxley News & Developments
SEC Names Bresnan Interim Head of OfficeBresnan was named interim head of SEC Boston office replacing Marelino who resigned..
> > The SEC named Peter H. Bresnan interim head of its Boston office after the previous administrator resigned amid reports the SEC was slow to respond to a whistleblower at Putnam Investments. Bresnan is currently the deputy chief ligation counsel at the Division of Enforcement in Washington. He replaces Juan M.Marcelino, who had been district administrator in Boston since 1993, and led the enforcement and examination programs in New England for the SEC.
Marcelino stepped aside earlier this week given the recent press coverage of matters involving the Boston office. Boston-based Putnam Investments faces civil fraud charges brought by the SEC and Massachusetts regulators.
Several other fund companies are being investigated for improper market timing trades in mutual funds. Such trades are not illegal but many companies have policies prohibiting them. Source: The Miami Herald