Sarbanes-Oxley News & Developments
Board Will Establish StandardsSection 103(a)(1) of Sarbox directs Board to establish Standards.
> > Section 103(a)(1)of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act directs the Board to establish auditing and related attestation standards, quality control standards, and ethics standards to be used by registered public accounting firms in the preparation and issuance of audit reports, as required by the Act or the rules of the Commission, or as may be necessary or appropriate in the public interest or for the protection of investors. Similarly, Section 103(b) authorizes the Board to establish such rules as may be necessary or appropriate to implement the auditor independence requirements in, or as authorized under, Title II of the Act. While Section 103(a)(4) directs the Board to convene such expert advisory groups as may be appropriate to aid in standards-setting, it nevertheless affords the Board considerable discretion in determining the procedures by which it will develop and adopt auditing and related professional practice standards.
Source: PCAOB