Sarbanes-Oxley News & Developments
Accountant Files $2.5M Whistleblower Suit vs Duke Power CompanyA Duke Power accountant has reportedly filed a lawsuit claiming improper accounting changes.
> > Barron Stone, who still works at Duke Energy Corp., filed a lawsuit last week in U.S. District Court in Charlotte. Stone claims the company demoted him and Duke attorneys harassed him and broke an agreement with him.
In 2001, Stone called South Carolina regulators and the company ethics hot line to report Duke made improper accounting changes to avoid cutting power rates paid by customers.
Stone claims Duke transferred him to a job against his will, forcing him out of the forcasting department, which dealt with classified information. Stone said he lost his office and moved to a cubicle workstation.
Stone also accused Duke of backing out of a $2.5 million settlement agreement with him in late 2002. Under the settlement, Stone claims he would have stopped talking to the media. A Duke spokesman denied that there was a formal offer of $2.5 million and says the transfer was a lateral move, part of a company restructing that moved 13 employees.
Source: CFO.com article