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Reports Detail Intimidation By Top WorldCom Executives

The record collapse of Worldcom was marked by top executives who browbeat underlings for questioning their authority.

> > According to recent reports into the corporate culture that fueled an $11 billion accounting scandal, Worldcom top executives are being investigated for browbeating those who questioned their authority. In one incident investigators cited, accounting executive Buford Yates warned an underling who questioned the company books to not show auditors the numbers or -- I will throw you out the (expletive) window.
Recent reports show more than 500 pages of explicit details of the financial wrongdoing by WorldCom.
The WorldCom accounting scandal led to the largest bankruptcy filing in U.S. history last July.
Portions of one of the reports emerging last week, reveal that former Chairman Bernard Ebbers had been in meetings in which company officials discussed ways to artifically inflate revenue.

Source: Silicon Valley article

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