Sarbanes-Oxley News & Developments
Judge Does Not Enforce Whistleblower RulingDavid Welch, the first Sarbane-Oxley whistleblower, remains in legal limbo on technicalities.
> > The first worker to win protection as a whistleblower under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act suffered another setback in his drawn out case when a U.S. district judge decided not to enforce a Department of Labor ruling ordering a Virginia bank to reinstate him.
Judge Glen Conrad of the district court in Roanoke, Va., said that he did not have the authority to enforce the ruling by the Administrative Review Board of the DOL since it was a preliminary action, according to the wire service. Whistleblower David Welch, the former CFO of Cardinal Bankshares, filed a complaint in the Roanoke court to force the bank to comply with an earlier order of reinstatement.
Source: CFO